A silly title? Perhaps. But six years have passed since I've written for others to read, so I think it fits. Though time has passed, the passion remains undiminished.
The itch to write has been tickling for quite some time. Retired now, with lots of time for professional reading, just about everything I see or do stimulates another "deep" thought about education. Consequently, the goal will be to post a modest three posts a week, hoping to create a dialogue with teachers who, like me, think that contemporary education can be improved. If you comment, I promise that your ideas will be accepted sincerely.
I realize that in describing what I see as "new" frontiers will necessitate characterizing what I see as "here and now." This takes me into the land of both paper tigers and denial, descriptions to which readers may say: "It's not really like that..." or "Some classrooms are like that, but not mine." If you feel that way, say so, but also describe what you see or feel is the current state of the classroom or at least your classroom. We're all learners here.
A bit of modesty is in order. Not even for a moment do I think the ideas that are put forth here represent "truth" in any eternal sense. Quite the contrary, they may be the impulsive musings and wanderings of a brain that refuses to be disciplined, much like a few of the personalities that populate your classrooms. What they do represent, though, is a sincere effort to give value to both students and teachers by passing along the ideas garnered from, or those stimulated by reading books and articles that classroom teachers would likely not have the time to select and read. Every effort will be made to make clear the source of the ideas, so that readers can explore those ideas in their original form, if they so desire.
So, please read. Please pass the link along to peers who you think might be interested. Disagree and write back to say so, creating a dialogue which clarifies what we believe and what we know to be true and helpful. I sincerely hope that my efforts help you make your work in the classroom more rewarding and successful.
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